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english language passport


My name is Arnau Estruch Miñana and I have born in Oliva, a small town near the coast which is in the Valencia province. My tongue language is Valencian but I also had to learn the Spanish tongue because Valencian is just spoken in Cataluña and Valencia, therefore, in order to be able to maintain a conversation between a Spanish person; Valencian people use to develop bilingual skills. Then, as a bilingual I am completely capable of maintain a conversation in both languages, however, I haven’t done any exam of Spanish to asses my knowledge about it, even though, I have done the C1 of Valencian according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Nowadays, English is seen as the main international language and in many cases is displacing the official language in many countries because it is seen as the language of the future. As a Valencian person, I feel offended because that situation that I exposed before can be seen clearly in my land where I grew, Valencia. With the pass of the time the number of Valencian speakers is decreasing while the numbers of Spanish or English speakers (Dominant languages) are increasing. Unfortunately, this is a poor and sad situation because a language forms part of our culture, of our own history and if we lose it will be as we lose a part of us. In my opinion, be able to maintain a conversation between other people in which you don’t share the same language is great because if not we will have to understand ourselves by gestures, however, before start thinking in an international language we should protect our own languages and once is done, we can start thinking in the way to communicate with anyone of the world.

3+2 IS NOT 5


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