3+2 is not 5
english language passport
My first language has always been Valencian even though my father spoke Spanish with me. Valencian has always been a language which has been mistreated and my mother taught me the value of being aware of its importance. Every year there are fewer Valencian speakers and it is likely that this language will disappear if the government doesn’t do anything about it. My second language is Spanish and I can use both Valencian and Spanish equally without any problem. Moreover, I also know English. I have been studying this language since I was six years old and since then I really liked it a lot. When I was at secondary school I also learnt French but nowadays I remember only some basic concepts about it.
The language that I used at school with my friends was Spanish but with teachers I usually spoke Valencian. This school was ‘’Aiora’’ and it is located in Valencia, at my neighborhood where the most part of the families speak Spanish. At university things changed and the language that I used with my classmates was Valencian because the most part of them came from villages and Valencian speakers families.
With regards to my leisure activities, I go to dolçaina lessons once a week in Benimaclet. There, the teacher and all my classmates speak Valencian. Some of them have decided to study dolçaina in order to learn Valencian, as a friend of mine who comes from Madrid and that is the reason why we always try to speak Valencian in these lessons.
Unfortunately, we don’t have a TV in Valencian so the TV that I watch is in Spanish. The only channel I usually watch that is in Valencian is TV3 from Catalunya. Nowadays the Valencian government has promised to reopen the old Valencian channel and I am really looking forward to watching it.
I also try to read in Spanish, Valencian and English but I have to admit I prefer reading in Valencian.
As I said in my identity text, I love travelling so I went to many places such as Ireland, Scotland, Norway, France or Italy and in all of these places I have experienced the feeling of living in an intercultural world where the most languages you know the better. The language that I used the most was English and since then, I realized how important it is. In fact, in English I am sure I could deal with the next situations:
- To help a tourist or other person who cannot make themselves understood.
- To help a person speaking another language who does not understand something specific about a group to which I belong.
- To tell someone else about a text or a message which I have read or heard in another language.
Currently, I am studying for the C1 exam from the Escola Oficial d’Idiomes. In the future I would like to improve my French because for me it is a pity the fact that I have learnt this language at secondary school and now I am forgetting it. I would also like to learn Italian and Basque because I really love the way they sound and my goal for the next course is passing the Superior exam of Valencian.
My listening level in Spanish, Valencian and English is C1 because according to the European Language Framework ‘’I can understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signalled explicitly. I can understand television programmes and films without too much effort.’’
My reading level in English is also C1 because ‘’ I can understand long and complex factual and literary texts, appreciating distinctions of style. I can understand specialised articles and longer technical instructions, even when they do not relate to my field.’’
My writing level in English is B2 because ‘’ I can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to my interests. I can write an essay or report, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view. I can write letters highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences.’’
My spoken interaction is B2 because ‘’ I can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. I can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining my views.’’
And finally, my oral production is B2 because ‘’ I can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my field of interest. I can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.’’
The next text is a writing I did for preparing my C1 exam of English and I am very proud of it because it was about my mentor during my training period as a teacher:
Local hero proposal
In response to the notice of the town council website, I am writing to suggest a local hero who, in my opinion, deserves to be honoured. My hero is from my area and I know her like the back of my hand.
My choice
My choice is Trinela Carrasco a teacher of Benimaclet local school who works tirelessly. Last Friday I ended my placement there as a trainee teacher and Trinela was my mentor. It is very difficult to imagine how much I learned from her due to her vocational attitude. Even though she is old, she is still very passionate about her job. Moreover, Trinela has an special ability to instill her students with social values so as to make them become a better citizens.
Why I chose her
My main reason for choosing Trinela is that she is a person who is very involved in our neighborhood. She is always telling her children how lucky they are for living at Benimaclet because of its beautiful urban vegetable patches. In fact, this teacher is doing an amazing project about them where students learn Natural Science and Valencian from these vegetable patches. As a result of that, Trinela’s pupils acquire a significant amount of knowledge by visiting the kitchen garden in order to use books.
Honoring my hero
If my choice of local hero is accepted, I suggest that the council should give a street in Benimaclet her name so that people remember her as a person who made a difference.