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Moment of clarity. My language.

Last day I was bored lying on the sofa and I started to think about how my tongue language, which is Valencian, is losing speakers through the years. So today, I would like to share with you one reflection that we all make when we are surrounded by our thoughts, but in my case, without knowing why I started to write that thoughts on a paper sheet, and now, I publish it in order to know which is your opinion and what do you think.

Communication means everything when it comes to share a culture. There is no point in having a culture if you are not able to express it and transmit it to people or the future generations through a shared language. Every moment has its time. The first memories are acquired in an early age and unconsciously. In fact, I go back in time and I see my path, what I am and what I’ve been, and I see many different things, but it exists something in common between all of them; the way I evoke and express all those memories. The world’s full of images, but these mean nothing without the ideas that support them. That’s the way I have of seeing and understanding the world, and it wouldn’t be possible without my language, in which I think, dream, and understand everything that surrounds me.

Thanks for read it, don’t forget to leave your opinions and remember, language is our main treasure and is in our hands the duty to protect it.

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